Geckos are our friends. They don´t hurt anyone, they aren´t messy, they eat up all of the bothersome little insects, they are kinda cute actually. They give off this soft purr, a soothing nightly noise that you come to look forward to each night and gently reminds you that you are in Honduras. This morning I came into the office to use the computer they have for me there and to my chagrin it was all torn apart, obviously being worked on. My co-worker beckoned me over and there it was…

a gecko had caused my motherboard, and himself in the process, to fry. What a site, the poor little guy never saw it coming I bet. There are just some things you could never say in the states, “A gecko crawled into my computer tower and fried to death” is a chart topper in that category. I wonder the last thought that crossed his little brain, maybe “Is someone barbequing?”
1 comment:
The gecko ate my homework.
love DAD
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