So I got a little treat today and was able to get online for a little while. Training is chugging along. This weekend we go to live with a current volunteer for three days. I am going to the south to Choluteca with another trainee in my group. I am looking forward to the break and seeing what a real live volunteer lives like.
I would be lying if I said I didn´t have moments where I freak out a little, but the people here are wonderful so that makes this adjustment process a little easier. My family and I talked for hours last night, about real issues like immigration, the state of Honduras economically and the way we do things in the U.S. What an insightful conversation, I never would have guessed my Spanish was good enough to express myself on these topics, but I am surprising myself everyday here.
I am making my family an American meal tonight, lasagna! Don´t have ricotta cheese (at least at the market I went to) so I´ll let you know how that turns out.
Hi Jess,
We miss you! I bet you'll learn more Spanish there in two weeks than you did an entire year at CCC. We want to see more pics of you! I'm so glad you posted!
Hi Jessica
Thanks for the update. I am glad that you made it there safely and that your host family is so warm and welcoming. We all miss you at RSVP but are happy that you are having this great experience. Staff fun day is coming up- too bad you won't be able to make some money at our Left-Right-Center game this year!
Take Care,
woo hoo! you made it! Sounds like all is going well. The little girl is adorable! We'll send mail soon!
Hi Jessica. I just happened to take a look at your blog and was happy to see your new post. It sounds like the experience, so far, is living up to expectations. Bill R. is here and he asked about you. Over here, we've had a few changes. The new database person, Maggie, started two weeks ago. (She is doing fine, but I miss your energy). Kirsten has been in Germany for the past two weeks. Keep us posted! Alan
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