Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Feliz Navidades
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hogar dulce hogar
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Going postal?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
We are family!
¿Scooby Doo, donde estas?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lifes a Beach.

Fried gecko anyone? And no, it is not something I ate this time!

a gecko had caused my motherboard, and himself in the process, to fry. What a site, the poor little guy never saw it coming I bet. There are just some things you could never say in the states, “A gecko crawled into my computer tower and fried to death” is a chart topper in that category. I wonder the last thought that crossed his little brain, maybe “Is someone barbequing?”
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The sugar cane that left a sour taste in my mouth.
Marvin lives in my town with his grandparents because his parents and older siblings live on Roatan Island for work. The following week Marvin and his grandma were up
It was the next day while
Monday, October 27, 2008
I fell in love today, and then I ate some chicken feet.

Charlie and Amalia are going back to the states for a couple of months so I told her I would check in on Grandma´s Kids while they were away. The next day I was still high and on my way home from the municipality when 3 of Grandma´s Kids riding a bike (see previous blog entry) started screaming Jessica!! Jessica!!. One of them jumped off, and came charging toward me. I caught him in my arms where he clung with his arms and legs wrapped around my torso like a koala bear. He asked where I was going and when I told him my house and he quickly replied, no you´re coming to my house, grabbed my hand and led the way. Who am I to argue with one of Grandma´s Kids? Originally, I had figured I would come by the house in a week or so to check in, but I found myself back there the very next day. Yes, I do believe in fate. Jose and I got closer to the house and as they saw the Gringa (that would be me) they came charging and screaming my name, 10 or so of Grandma´s Kids. Some had no shirts, some no pants, most had no shoes, some of those babies where even stark naked. One boy, maybe 3 or 4, who asked me no less than 100 questions (and screamed the question at the top of his lungs whenever I asked him to repeat it as if I couldn´t hear rather than couldn´t speak the language), was eating a cacao, a fruit with a bunch of seeds with sort of slimy sour flesh. As he spit out the seeds another little boy picked them up off of the muddy street to suck any juice that was left in the regurgitated seed. One curly dark-haired naked baby sat in the middle of the road, her little butt was caked with mud. They all fought to be the ones underneath my arms on each side, however being surprisingly polite to one another allowing turns to be taken. We talked for a while. They get such a kick out of teaching me Spanish and I feel less inhibited speaking around them than adults. When it was time to go I got 15 hugs (5 other kids had joined the ruckus by that time) and was made to promise to stop by tomorrow, the easiest promise I´ve ever made. I walked home contemplating the circumstances which had been presented; this is the kind of stuff I imagined when I signed up for Peace Corps. I finally feel like there is truly something I can do to help, although I´m not sure exactly what that is yet still, but I´m getting closer everyday. After all of the goodness that had filled my life in the last 24 hours or so I sat down to dinner that night excited to talk to my family about Grandma´s Kids and then…

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Strides to Integration
Above right: Me and my little primito Ellis (cousin).
Eating every piece of meat off of a whole fried fish. This one was originally on my *have mastered* list, however I had to lessen my expertise ranking after dinner on Monday. When I passed over my plate of bones to be tossed out in the backyard and my host mother grabbed my fish head and rhetorically asked if it was mine to no one in particular, as she recognized this was certainly not any of her children´s doing, then she sunk her teeth into the skeleton for the remnants of the meat I had left behind. Did I mention this fish was probably caught an hour before we ate it? Definitely something I can work on.
Riding a bike, at least two at a time. While I haven´t tried this one yet, it takes me back to my childhood (Missy and me) when I see it. It´s very common to see adults doing it here, so I hope to have the opportunity to rehash this pastime. This is how it works, one person sits on the seat and pedals, the other person sits in from of the seat on the bar that connects the steering wheel and seat and steers. Talk about a task for trust and teamwork. Being a bit of a control freak I think this would be good therapy for me. I actually saw an entire family on one bike recently, Mom, Dad, young boy and baby in arms, I wouldnt have believed it if I didn´t see it.. It´s definitely a skill they have acquired, here, I´ve yet to see anyone even close to crashing.
Cultural integration habits I may never get down:
Chicharron. Those of you who know me well know that I am by no means a picky eater, in fact, I could probably benefit from being a little pickier. I tried to like chicharron, I really did. The first time tried they were served just like pork rinds, only they are much harder on the skin side and a little soft on the underside. Two such contrasting textures should not exist in one bite of anything, ever. I politely informed my host mother that I didn´t care for the popular skin treat I thought I was in the clear, then they served a meal after a meeting I attended and, I´m sure you´ve guessed by now, chichirron. This time it was served with yucca (a starchy root vegetable, much like a potato, which I do like) and warm cooked in a stew. The disguise did not fool my taste buds. Not wanting to be rude I choked down most of it, leaving a few bites for which I could not muster the strength.
Spitting. I´m not really sure what this one is all about yet, but so many people do it here. I´ve been trying to figure out if it´s from the dust or some sort of food staple that causes excess mucus production to rationalize it but have concluded that it´s just a bad habit like many have in the states. Part of my integration will not be picking up this habit.
Cultural integration habits which I have mastered:
Bucket baths. At this point I don’t even remember what a shower feels like, and have no desire for one. My morning bathing ritual includes a giant barrel of cold water in the bathroom and a little bowl used to scoop from the barrel onto my head and body. The bathroom is just one big open room with a toilet on one end then you stand at the other end by the barrel and just pour the water over you, soap up and rinse it off. Here´s a picture of our bathroom. Sandy, take deep breaths.
The lip point. This one is so simple and fun. In the states we use our fingers to point something out to someone, but in Honduras we use our lips. I know you want to try it, go ahead. Purse your lips like you{re kissing the air, but in the direction you want someone to look, also your eyes look in the same direction. Sometimes your lips curve around the corners of your mouth, sometimes they go straight up because it{s something behind you. You can even add your own twist, I personally like the eyebrow raise. I had witnessed the lip point for about 2 months until one day someone asked me where I lived and without even thinking about it gave the ole lip point as if I had been doing it my whole life.
Front porch sittin. I imagine in any country in the world this would be soothing to me, whether it be in the south in the states with a cold sweet tea or in Honduras with an icy chatamusca. I kno
Friday, October 3, 2008
It´s official, I am a Peace Corps volunteer

Jessica Dillworth
El Porvenir, Atlatida
Barrio Nuevo
Honduras, Central America

Monday, September 15, 2008
Bienvenidos a El Porvenir Jessica!

As for my third and final host family, they are lovely. My host mother is Maritza, her husband is Don Jose and they have three children living at home, Onoria, Sandy and Oswaldo. Like my host family in Zarabanda I am the first American they have ever hosted (geez that´s a lot of pressure to make us all look good!). They are kind and spend lots of time together which is nice and relaxing. Yesterday for example we sat out in the back of the house and watched as a women tried to get her disobedient pigs to go home with her, they did not want to cooperate. Eventually she got them to go, squealing the whole way but she got em. Onoria works at the alcaldia with me and Sandy and Oswaldo are students. Don Jose works for Standard Fruit Company. They are kind family who I am looking forward to getting to know more.
So what is next? I will continue training until September 26 at which time we will be sworn in as volunteers. From there we will all go to our respective sites for our service. Wow, I have already been here for more than 2 months, it´s hard to believe. Stay posted for more pictures of my site and host family, I wasn´t able to get many on my short visit. Below are some random pics to tide you over. Thanks for checking in with me, I miss you all and think of you often. I will get you my new address just as soon as I figure it out, until then feel free to continue sending letters to the address in the second entry of my blog.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
10 days until I find out where I will be living for the next 2 years!!

This one is for you, Emilie´s mom! This is Emilie and I hanging out after t

Only ten more days until we find out where we are going to be living for the next two years. Like most other things here, I am eerily calm about this. I figure wherever they send me I will be happy, find good work and get along with the people. I am hoping to be placed somewhere central in the country to be able to get to pretty much anywhere semi-easily. Stay tuned, the next time I blog it will be to reveal the name of my new home then you can Google it to see what it´s like. Thanks for following my story, I love sharing it with you.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Carne Asada, Honduran style!

My new home for the next 6 weeks is Cantarranas, a rather small pueblo a couple of hours from
The only thing that would make this picture more Peace Corpsy would be if I was wearing my Tevas sandals right? Oh and maybe if I were planting some trees, but I think it does justice to what people think of when they picture a Peace Corps volunteer. Here it is, honest to God proof that I’m here in the mountains of
My new family for the next 6 weeks is very kind, my host mother is, once again, named Patricia and she has two children, Patricio who is 14 and Zasquia who is 18. I’m a big fan of carne asada, so when Patricia asked me if I liked it I was excited about dinner, though once the preparations began I wasn’t sure exactly what was happening. Pictured here are the boyfriend of Zasquia, Wally I think is his name, and his friend along with Patricia (and yes, she is holding a blow dryer) and Jose, Patricia’s grandson. So they started the fire with some wood and other chips of some sort, got it nice and piping hot and started in with the hair dryer, which I now understand worked as agent to blow air onto the coals, making them extremely hot. They added sugar onto the coals and laid the meat on the grill after the flames went down. Mmmm, mmm, muy delicioso (come on, all of you know what that means)!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Here´s what I´ve been up to

Alejandra and I made lasagna the other night, here is the fruit of our labor. It was pretty good, Javier had two portions, but he may have just been being polite. It was fun to show them something I know how to make after watching them make some great Honduran food for the past couple of weeks.

Mi familia, Javier, Patricia and Alejandra. I can´t tell you how much I really feel a part of their family. I hope to come back to visit them often while I´m here. They told me that I their home is my home during my entire service in their country.

When I visited a volunteer in Choluteca the town was in feria, which means a bunch of events take place, for instance rodeos. This "stadium" was built in a day just for this purpose. The hombres rode horses instead of bulls and it was pretty cool to watch.

Choluteca is pretty flat for the most part, but here´s a neat picture of a mountain nearby

Carmen (the volunteer I visited) and Casey a fellow trainee that visiting Carmen with me.

I think I should submit this one to national geographic if I do say so myself. I love this one.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
July 26, 2008

So I got a little treat today and was able to get online for a little while. Training is chugging along. This weekend we go to live with a current volunteer for three days. I am going to the south to Choluteca with another trainee in my group. I am looking forward to the break and seeing what a real live volunteer lives like.
I would be lying if I said I didn´t have moments where I freak out a little, but the people here are wonderful so that makes this adjustment process a little easier. My family and I talked for hours last night, about real issues like immigration, the state of Honduras economically and the way we do things in the U.S. What an insightful conversation, I never would have guessed my Spanish was good enough to express myself on these topics, but I am surprising myself everyday here.
I am making my family an American meal tonight, lasagna! Don´t have ricotta cheese (at least at the market I went to) so I´ll let you know how that turns out.